On the 18th September, we embarked on our first Science Theme Day. The day itself involved all students in the secondary school from Y7 to Y12. The day was designed by the Science department to further develop the creative thinking skills of our secondary students. With the help of the newly formed Science Ambassadors, activities were implemented to challenge students to collaborate and innovate. There were 8 activities in total and 48 groups, the groups consisted of a student from each year group. This meant that our Y12 and Y11 students had the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and guide our younger students through the activities. Our Y12 Science Ambassadors led instructional introductions for each activity and ensured all students had a base starting point.

The activities were split into two strands one completing activities related to helicopters, paper umbrellas, satellites and sinking ships. The other strand had activities related to planes, robotic arms, paper turbines and hack boxes. The day was a great success with all students enjoying and then reporting to the groups from the opposite strand via video diaries. Some amazing innovations were produced and many students stood out within different areas. The Science department awarded certificates related to some of these areas at a celebration assembly on Tuesday 19th September. The awards, named after seven of the most famous engineers, the seven dwarfs, were awarded by the Science and DT teachers throughout the day. These included the Sneezy award for ‘Most creative’, the Sleepy award for ‘Most hardworking’, the Dopey award for the ‘Ideas person’, the Grumpy award for the ‘Most resilient’, the Doc award for ‘Best leader’, the Happy award for ‘Best team player’ and the Bashful award for ‘Best communicator’. Well done to all students who were awarded certificates you showed excellent skills in these areas.

The Science and DT teachers would like to thank all students that participated and especially the Science Ambassadors for their excellent work, we look forward to the next Science event.

Follow the link for more photos: https://goo.gl/cnuZYT